Perspectives on Pop Culture and the Arts

Monday, July 17, 2006

Mickey Spillane Dies at 88

Hard-boiled Crime and Pulp Fiction writer, Mickey Spillaine, dies at age 88. Probably best known for his anti-hero, slap-happy detective Mike Hammer, Spillaine has been a prolific writer of the genre and influenced several films that have become quintessential noirs, such as Kiss Me Deadly. Now don't get me wrong here. I read I, the Jury, and was pretty much disgusted with the character of Mike Hammer after the first few pages. However, I do acknowledge the fact that Spillane's writing has influenced many other (dare I say, more talented?) writers to create fantastic crime noirs and pulp fiction. I also loved the Robert Aldrich adaptation of Kiss Me Deadly. For that, I say, Rock on.

Being that we focus on film, literature, etc. we thought it appropriate to post on this rather than, say, the fact that the Chairman of Hooters also passed away today... oh, what the heck - Hey people, the Chairman of Hooters passed away today. There.
Generally speaking, I think it's a sad day for chauvinists everywhere. Weep softly, then go slap someone around.

[Link to NPR's story]
[Link to CNN]

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